Welcome to our blog!
For our very first entry, we’d like to give you a 30,000 foot view of beautiful Daufuskie Island. It’s where we live, and where we build homes for our neighbors – and our neighbors to be.
Daufuskie is a special place … we know you will agree!
A peaceful barrier island located between Hilton Head, SC and Savannah, GA, Daufuskie Island is just 5 miles long and 2.5 miles wide. It is the southernmost inhabited sea-based island in South Carolina, and has an intimate population of 400+ residents. Accessible only by boat, Daufuskie is special for many reasons, including its exclusivity, its tranquil coastline, and its natural abundance.
Exclusive Community
Your family will enjoy the blend of safety and unbridled access to the natural surrounding. Daufuskie is the perfect place for your children to explore, ride bikes, fish, or build sand castles – with a sense of independence. Our roads (both dirt and paved) are exceptionally safe, as the primary mode of transport is a golf cart or bicycle. Our community is calm, connected and friendly … a visit to Daufuskie Island may give you glimpse of traveling back in time.
Tranquil Coastline
A tranquil coastline is another reason you’ll find Daufuskie Island extraordinary. Our natural beaches, with views of the Atlantic Ocean and Calibogue Sound are quiet and accessible. Sunrises viewed from hammocks and lounge chairs scattered along the beach are but a short walk or bike ride away. A few well-placed fire pits provide a delightful gathering spot for s’mores & hot chocolate or a relaxing glass of wine. At any time of day, Palmetto Palms, oyster shells, sea oats, and dolphin playfully swimming across the water - create a magnificent island scene – for you and your family to enjoy.
Nature in Abundance
Living on DI provides a daily and personal connection to the natural world. White-tailed deer scamper along fairways and into wooded expanses. Marine birds soar above the salt marshes, and nest in one of two local rookeries. Our local waters are rich with red fish and trout, while clams and shrimp are plentiful. Oysters, too, have a strong presence on Daufuskie – but that’s another blog!
Sound like paradise? It is!
If you’re a nature lover, a shell collector, a fisherman, a bird watcher, or someone who appreciates a safe, serene, neighborly community, then Daufuskie Island is a place you definitely want to visit – or even call home.
Osprey Construction has been building custom homes on Daufuskie Island since 2010. For more information, call or visit www.ospreyconstructioninc.com.